Well driving a Bajaj Avenger on an empty road, wind blowing in your face.. you all alone, actually gives you a lot of time and peace to think about life. I am no different, it is just that when i am on my 'bird'..as i call it..i just contemplate. The beauty of this bike is that it just takes away all the tensions away from you... leaves you with the comfort that you can actually feel like thinking about the nicer things in life..
The brilliant ad by Bajaj people says... i forgive all.. i feel.. i feel like god. One of my friends said that "come on! you didnt buy the bike after the ad and the tag line..did you?!".. well i was seriously hurt as i did buy the bike after seeing the ad... ok understood that we lesser mortals can never equal the almighty.. but having a feeling is good enough..
But i saw the whole tagline in completeness...it says - " I FORGIVE ALL..I FEEL LIKE GOD"..
but people just hear the last words....feel like god.. throughout the ad, the biker keeps on forgiving the people who havenot been good to him...thats was the reason i bought the bike..
i wanted a bike which can take me to a mental level where i would be able to forgive people of their follies ... and above all forgive myself for some of them...
And frankly speaking.. i have reduced uttering the obscenities while i drive when somebody cuts me off..or crosses a redlight.. well i do feel like forgiving people...
On a practical note.. what more can we do..than just to restrain ourselves from getting angry.. People always get angry when somebody drives rash.. and loose their temper.. casuing serious stress to themselves.. but when they are at the position where they can actually not jump a redlight... they just cannot restrain themselves..
And after that.. they give a million excuses to themselves or to fellow passengers .." yaar yeh india hai,.. yaar koi aa nahin raha ... just look and go"...
My rationale i simple.. i dont get angry at people.. i just dont forgive myself for not following the traffic rules.. That way i dont have to give explanations to anyone...atleast not to myself..
Thats why i bought my bird-- i actually makes me forgive people.. that is actually one of the toughest emotions in the world..to actually forgive people.. may be thats why Bajaj's brilliant admakers compared the rider's mental state to GOD.. if you can actually forgive people.. you are one step closer to him..and surely it makes me feel like myself..
And yeah when i was departing from that friend of mine on my BajaJ Avenger.. i simply forgave her too... cause yeah..
I am touched ..... I think I will think twice before jumping a red light now. Though I cant control getting pissed at ppl on the road :-)
Its not that you forgive people. It is highly mistaken even by the makers of the Ad. Actually it is the other way round, now other's doing doesn't matter to you. You are the sole identity who is how he was born (THE ONLY YOU. THE SOLE. NO BROTHERHOOD AROUND WHICH CAN TWIST YOUR THOUGHTS). The only person in his own lone hood.
Enjoy this feeling because there are very few people who realize the power of selfhood. And these days it is you.
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